Monday, August 8, 2011

It All Began!

Monday morning. Mike and I finish packing up the entirety of our suite.  After playing tetrus for a while, we are able to move everything into our storage unit.  It’s gonna be a real treat to get everything back out of there, but we’re not going to think about that for 6 months.

The road to Saskatchewan was an interesting one.  Saskatchewan really is the land of the living skies! 

no actual footage of the double rainbow.
 In the 4-hour drive we encountered blistering hot sun, a full on double rainbow, the most aggressive rainstorm either of us had ever seen, and a phenomenal light show. After getting lost in the back roads for what seemed like forever, breaking our engine cover on a rouge rock, we figured it was time to stop by some old woman’s house and get directions. We then found the Sorpold’s house in no time!
The Sorpolds lovely backyard veiw!

36 hours never went so fast! After a late night arrival and some catching up with one another, we had a midnight hot tubbing and then hit the sack in preparation for a fun filled day. 2 Sea Doo’s, an inner tube, a waterfall replica of a slide, an air mattress, and Ladder Toss all made for a full day of good times and sore bodies which is sure not to be forgotten! Thanks Sorpolds!

All too soon we found ourselves on the road again. After a few more road and direction mishaps we made it to the border. Turns out that port means border. Whoops!

In our excelling in the art of road tripping, our 9-hour trip to Idaho Falls took us a painstaking 13 hours.  We’re especially good at getting lost! Once in Idaho Falls, we found ourselves trying to locate the Bradley residence, to no avail. Finally, we said a prayer, asked some ruffians, and they miraculously knew exactly how to get there.  We quickly caught up and hit the hay A.S.A.P.

The next morning we set out to their cabin.

                                                      Cabin Rules
1. Eat when you’re hungry. 
2. Sleep when you’re tired. 
3. Shower when you stink.  
4. Leave you watch in your car or at the door. 
5. No Calorie zone.

Lots of veggin-out, TV watching, dog playing, campfireing, lake swimming, ATV rides into the sunset, and delicious dinner eating made for a very relaxing weekend! The dogs in the lake were hilarious!  The only thing we didn’t do was go on a Big Foot hunt! Ps. Dont be fooled by the picture of me and the dogs, it must have been photo shopped or something. ;)

Thats Old Faithful behind us.

On our way home we decided to add a little spice to the strait shot to Canada. Jill offered us their Yellow Stone Park pass as it was going to expire the next day anyway.  We made our way up to Old Faithfull!  Unfortunately we got there just after it had erupted. It was still smoking though and we thought that was pretty cool. Yellow Stone Park was such a beautiful drive!

Up past Old Faithful was a place called Mammoth Hot Springs. One would imagine that hot springs meant a little pool you can swim in that’s all nice and warm. We sure did! Turns out it meant exactly what it was called. An actual hot spring in the ground.

Disappointed we inquired in a local gas station for any hot springs you could go in. He said to go to the Boiling Lake, which is kinda warm, or go up to Montana, and try the Chico Hot Springs.

We drove to Boiling Lake and figured if that was a warm lake, we couldn’t imagine what a cold lake was like. The drive to Chico Hot Springs was lovely and quick, and it turns out there is the coolest little resort in Pray, Montana that has a hot springs fed pool. We swam in that for about an hour and then started the way home.

We were able to hit every roadblock along the way which set us back even more. We stopped in Helena at McDees for a delicious and nutritious meal at 11:00. Then upon hitting Great Falls at 12:30 we decided to break into the Walker mobile and sleep on the constructed bed for a quick nap.
The next morning we were on our way home! Once again, we got through the border smoothly and made it to Mike’s parents house by 11:30am. 

And boy were we glad to be home!

1 comment:

  1. You guys sure are starting off your marriage with tons of fun adventures!! I seriously think you need to get a GPS though!! -just sayin' :) I'm looking forward to checking your blog to see what you guys are up to!!
